3D Modelling & Animation Project

Philip Gibbins
SID 0801013

Thursday 24 September 2009

Initial Reactions to the Brief

"produce three 3D stamps on the theme of biodiversity"

My initial reaction to this project is WOW. I didn't think it could be so mind-blowingly broad. Where to begin?

My first thoughts on what I might do, having had a quick glance at the images provided (more specifically the range of them) is that I want to provide variety within my work. So I was thinking;

- The first stamp could be a "long-distance" image, for example a tiger stalking it's prey in a field.
- The second stamp could be a "close-up" image, for example an insect.
- The third stamp could be an "extreme close-up" image, for example a microscopic organism in a 'colourful' environment.

Maybe I could even put a bit of hidden meaning behind it, (bear with my attempt at science!) in the way that due to the 'food chain pyramid' we all learnt in biology, we all know the smaller animals at the bottom are greater in numbers, so I could reflect that by making my higher value stamps for say my 2nd and third stamp ideas.

Perhaps now I should try to emphasise the variety in my work by researching a lot of different types of organism, of all different species and type (mammal, reptiles etc.). Get the ideas flowing.

Having just reviewed this before publishing, all my ideas have been about animals, none whatsoever about humans. The animals seem to interest me a lot more, maybe I assumed it would be more appealing to my audience too.

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