3D Modelling & Animation Project

Philip Gibbins
SID 0801013

Thursday 5 November 2009

SWOT Analysis

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy learning 3ds max! Below is a SWOT analysis of my progress on the project so far.


STRENGTHS - I have a good idea of what I want to achieve (if only in my mind) and am very passionate about achieving what I set out to do. Being somewhat of a perfectionist I will (guaranteed) spend hours fiddling with vertices in 3ds max just to make my work that little more realistic.

Also, I have quite a good 'imagination' and can understand 3d work quite well (whereas some others in the world have difficulties with this).

WEAKNESSES - I am completely new to 3ds max, and things I learn just won't go in! I keep referring back to tutorials and forgetting how to do simple things. But generally, I'm ok moving things around and simple transformations, but I will fall behind when it comes to advanced modifications and really in depth stuff, and others in the class may 'overtake' me.

OPPORTUNITIES - I have access to 3ds other than at university and so can spend extra time using it, even just becoming more familiar with the software.

THREATS - Other's creativity may make their ideas more interesting, whereas my tastes in subject are more 'usual' or 'realistic'. For example I am creating realistic artwork, however others may pursue abstract or unusual pieces.

(Coming soon, my 3 official ideas in detail. I have decided and started working on them, I just need to post it!)

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